Jennatransitions.I began by thinking of endings. Time speeds up as the chapter draws to a close, and I feel it strongly every day — in the days before the…Nov 28, 2023Nov 28, 2023
Jennafocus.I feel keenly the bustle of outdoors, the sudden crush at lunch when office workers descend in hoardes on the sidewalk. I listen for the…Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
Jennaplatforms.The world wide web is a funny thing. If I had been alive in 1989 (I wasn’t), I cannot imagine I would have had the vision and understanding…Jun 16, 2023Jun 16, 2023
Jennareaders.After school, we went to the library. It was a slightly run-down, 80s building, with peeling white paint around the door and uneven paving…Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023
Jennabread.In times of distress, I eat bread. It might be a bagel, slathered in thick layers of yellow-gold butter, or pound cake, flour sifted with…May 23, 2023May 23, 2023
Jennaspring.The rain is relentless, pouring out of drains, matting my hair, shrouding the day in a grey chill. Every morning I can hear the gentle tap…Mar 28, 2023Mar 28, 2023
Jennatea.In New York, I get into the office around 9 (although this is subject to extensive variation… dependent on the weather, my sleep, how I…Jan 20, 2023Jan 20, 2023
JennachimesThe library clocktower is visible from the bathroom window, emerging from the morning condensation, red brick bright against the sky. You…Jan 18, 2023Jan 18, 2023
Jennatrying.For the first time, I feel the New Year has arrived with collective apathy. Apathy for pushing ourselves, for setting meaningless targets…Jan 10, 2023Jan 10, 2023
Jennabirds.I used to live by the sea. The mornings would begin with soft, milky light creeping over the waves, before I retreated indoors to offices…Dec 1, 2022Dec 1, 2022